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Documentation for the Integrated Hydrologic Model

Geurink, J.S., Shelby, J.L., Murch, R., and Tara, P. (2018). “Integrated Hydrologic Model Version 3 User Guide.” Prepared for Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL and the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.

IHM v3 has been updated (8/25/2018 10 a.m.)

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Ross, M.A. and Geurink J.S. (2018). “Integrated Hydrologic Model Version 3 Theory and Implementation.” Prepared for Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL and the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.

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Shelby, J. (2018). “Integrated Hydrologic Model Programmer’s Guide.” Prepared for Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL and the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.

Click here to read/download paper or report (2 MB)

Trout, K., Zhang, J., Ross, M. (2005). “Certification of IHM-MODFLOW96.” Prepared for the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Center for Modeling Hydrologic and Aquatic Systems, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.

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WEST Consultants, Inc., Earthfx, Inc., and Hydrocomp, Inc. (2018). “Scientific Review of the Integrated Hydrologic Model.” Prepared for Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL and the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.

Click here to read/download paper or report (24 MB)

Click here to download presentation files delivered by the WEST Review Team and by Agency staff during the IHM Scientific Review Closing Meeting

Discretization and Hydrologic Processes for the Integrated Hydrologic Model

Geurink, J.S. and Ross, M.A. (2006). “Time-step dependency of infiltration errors in the HSPF model.” J. of Hydrologic Engineering, 11(4), 296-305.

Geurink, J.S., Basso, R., Tara, P., Trout, K. and Ross, M.A. (2006). “Improvements to integrated hydrologic modeling in the Tampa Bay, Florida region:  Hydrologic similarity and calibration metrics.” Proceedings of the Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Reno, NV.

Geurink, J.S., Adams, A., and Ross, M.A. (2007). “Water management advantages of comprehensive representation of wetlands in an integrated HSPF-MODFLOW hydrologic model.” Proceedings of the ASCE World Environment and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL.

Ross, M., Geurink, J., Said, A., Aly, A., and Tara, P. (2005a). “Evapotranspiration conceptualization in the HSPF-MODFLOW integrated models.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 41(5), 1013-1025.

Ross, M., Said, A., Geurink, J., Aly, A., Tara, P. (2005b). “Evapotranspiration hierarchy and allocation for integrated surface and groundwater modeling in West-Central Florida.” Hydrological Science and Technology, Journal of the American Institute of Hydrology, 21(1-4), 157-176.

Shah, N. and Ross. M. A. (2009). “Variability in specific yield under shallow water table conditions.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 14(12), 1290-1299.

Shah, N. Nachabe, M., Ross, M. (2007). “Extinction depth and evapotranspiration from ground water under selected land covers.” Ground Water, 45(3), 329-338.

Trout, K.E., Tara, P.D., Ross, M.A., and Geurink, J.S. (2003). “Integrated surface-groundwater modeling of shallow water-table systems incorporating discrete landforms as computational elements.” ASCE EWRI World Water Congress, Philadelphia, PA.

Calibrated Model Applications using the Integrated Hydrologic Model CODE

Geurink, J.S. and Basso, R. (2013). “Development, calibration, and evaluation of the Integrated Northern Tampa Bay Hydrologic Model.”Prepared for Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL and the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.

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Download appendices (92 MB)

WEST Consultants, Inc., Earthfx, Inc., and Hydrocomp, Inc. (2013). “Integrated Northern Tampa Bay Model Application Peer Review.” Prepared for Tampa Bay Water and the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Clearwater, FL.

Click here to read/download paper or report (8 MB)

Case Studies Using the Calibrated Integrated Northern Tampa Bay Model

GSI Environmental Inc. (2021a). “Evaluation of Rain Gauge and Doppler Radar Rainfall Data in the Integrated Northern Tampa Bay Hydrologic Model Domain.” Prepared for Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL.

Click here to read/download main report (10 MB)

Click here to download report attachments (400 MB)

GSI Environmental Inc. (2021b). “Integration of Rainfall Rata from Rain Gauges and Doppler Radar in the Integrated Northern Tampa Bay Hydrologic Model Domain.” Prepared for Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL.

Click here to read/download main report (5 MB)

Click here to download report attachments (2500 MB)

GSI Environmental Inc. (2021c). “Supplemental Report on Integration of Rainfall Data from Rain Gauges and Doppler Radar in the Integrated Northern Tampa Bay Hydrologic Model Domain from 2017 through 2019.” Prepared for Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL.

Click here to read/download main report (4 MB)

Click here to download report attachments (368 MB)

Wang, D. and Zhang, Y. (2021). “Assessment of landuse change on water resources using the Integrated Northern Tampa Bay Model.” Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, U. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL. Prepared for Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL.

Click here to read/download paper or report (10 MB)

Click here to read/download the appendix (5 MB)

Heyl, M.G., Munson, A.B., Hood, J., Morales, J., and Kelly, M (2009). “Anclote River system recommended minimum flows and levels – Peer review draft.” Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.

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Hwang, S., Graham, W.D., Geurink, J.S., and Adams, A. (2014). “Hydrologic implications of errors in bias-corrected regional reanalysis data for west central Florida.” J of Hydrology, 510, 513-529.

Hwang, S. and Graham, W. (2014). “Assessment of alternative methods for statistically downscaling daily GCM precipitation outputs to simulate regional streamflow.” J of American Water Resources Association, 50(4), 1010-1032.

Hwang, S., Graham, W.D., Adams, A., and Geurink, J. (2013). “Assessment of the utility of dynamically-downscaled regional reanalysis data to predict streamflow in west central Florida using an integrated hydrologic model.” Regional Environmental Change, 13(Supplement 1), S69-S80.

Janicki Environmental, HDR, HydroQual, Applied Technology and Management, Mote Marine Laboratory, Jones Edmunds, and Scheda Ecological Associates (2014). “Old Tampa Bay Integrated Model development project: Task 4 development of calibrated models for the Old Tampa Bay Integrated Model System.” Prepared for Tampa Bay Estuary Program.

Click here to read/download paper or report (4 MB)

Janicki Environmental, HDR, HydroQual, Applied Technology and Management, Mote Marine Laboratory, Jones Edmunds, and Scheda Ecological Associates (2015). “Old Tampa Bay Integrated Model development project: Task 5 Baseline and potential management scenarios.” Prepared for Tampa Bay Estuary Program. Prepared for Tampa Bay Estuary Program.

Click here to read/download paper or report (13 MB)

Leeper, D., Herrick, G., Basso, R., Heyl, M., Ghile, Y., Flannery, M., Hinkle, T., Hood, J., and Williams, G. (2018). “Recommended Minimum Flows for the Pithlachascotee River.” Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.

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Ross, M., and Trout, K. (2017). “Assessment of the Integrated Northern Tampa Bay Model no groundwater pumping scenarios.” Center for Modeling Hydrologic and Aquatic Systems, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, U. of South Florida, Tampa, FL. Prepared for Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL.

Click here to read/download paper or report (18 MB)

Tampa Bay Water (2009). “Development and validation of the new unit response matrix for the optimized regional operations plan (OROP) model.” Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, FL.

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