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IHM Basic Skills Training


Monday and Tuesday
September 26 and 27, 2022
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. USA EDT


Virtual via Zoom. Connection instructions provided with training preparation material.

Basic Skills training, the introductory course for the Integrated Hydrologic Model (IHM), will be offered as a virtual event spanning two half days during the afternoons of September 26 and 27, 2022. The IHM is a powerful computing tool that is designed to simulate all surface and unsaturated/saturated subsurface processes of the hydrologic cycle and their dynamic interactions within a Windows operating system environment. The IHM couples two well established and broadly used model codes to simulate hydrologic processes: Hydrologic Simulation Program–FORTRAN (HSPF) to simulate surface and vadose zone processes and MODFLOW to simulate saturated groundwater processes. IHM simulations have durations ranging between 1 day to many years or decades and model domains ranging from 0.01 to 10,000 square miles. The IHM represents the third generation of HSPF–MODFLOW coupling which was first developed in the late 1980s. Follow the link to download an IHM fact sheet that provides more information.

The virtual training event will be an interactive, hands-on experience. Attendees will learn through presentations by the trainers and active participation by using the IHM User Interface (UI) to create, run, and postprocess IHM simulation scenarios. Attendees will learn about IHM integration paths that facilitate dynamic simulation of hydrologic interactions among uplands, water bodies, and saturated ground-water processes. Throughout the course, attendees will practice navigation through the IHM folder and file structure and the IHM UI and will develop a basic understanding of the IHM input database (MS Access). Attendees will practice developing and simulating well pumping scenarios. The training experience will be enhanced for those that have access to geographic information system software but it is not required. Attendees will improve their understanding of the decision-support benefits of an integrated model like the IHM.

Attendees are required to:

  • Register for the Basic Skills training by September 9, 2022 (no registration fee)
  • Register as an IHM user and assent to the End User License Agreement
  • Bring a pc/laptop to the training event with IHM model files installed (instructions provided)

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